Welcome to the Computational Plasma Physics Group

We study fundamental aspects in theoretical plasma physics with particular attention to space-  and astrophysical  applications. A key aspect in our research is the interplay between the vastly disparate scales typical of these environments. Examples for scale interactions are the heat flux regulation over the entire heliosphere by electron-scale kinetic instabilities, or large-scale reconfiguration of the magnetic field by reconnection events that are triggered at the electron scale.

We develop, implement and run specialized computational models for high-performance computing that address this multi-scale nature of mostly collisionless plasmas.

We are part of a global research community that brings together top experts in observational, theoretical and computational plasma physics.


RUB’s CPP at ISSS-15 / IPELS-16

Group members attended the combined ISSS / IPELS 2024 meeting in Garching with a number of invited talks, lectures and poster contributions. Congratulations to Emanuel (right) for winning the Silver Poster Award !

Seminar talk by Prof. Dr. Punit Kumar, June, 28th

Prof. Dr. Punit Kumar from the Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, India, will give a talk on "High-Density Quantum Plasma in varied regimes: QED and QHD perspectives." Please join in on Friday, June 28th, 14:00 in room NB 7/165.

Visit by Dr. Soboh Alqeeq

Dr. Soboh Alqeeq from the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP) in Paris is visiting the group on Friday, 31st. His talk will be on “Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission” at 11:00 in NB 7/173.


Ruhr University Bochum
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Elena Innocenti
NB 7-156 / Postbox 134
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Office of the Secretary

Susanne Hentrich
ND 04/67
Tel.: +49 234 32 26218

E-Mail: Susanne.Hentrich@ruhr-uni-bochum.de