Computational Plasma Physics

Computational Plasma Physics

RUB’s CPP at ISSS-15 / IPELS-16

Group members attended the combined ISSS / IPELS 2024 meeting in Garching with a number of invited talks, lectures and poster contributions. Congratulations to Emanuel (right) for winning the Silver Poster Award !

Seminar talk by Prof. Dr. Punit Kumar, June, 28th

Prof. Dr. Punit Kumar from the Department of Physics, University of Lucknow, India, will give a talk on “High-Density Quantum Plasma in varied regimes: QED and QHD perspectives.” Please join in on Friday, June 28th, 14:00 in room NB 7/165.

Visit by Dr. Soboh Alqeeq

Dr. Soboh Alqeeq from the Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (LPP) in Paris is visiting the group on Friday, 31st. His talk will be on “Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission” at 11:00 in NB 7/173.