Computational Plasma Physics

Computational Plasma Physics


An up-to-date list of Prof. Maria Elena Innocenti’s publications can be found int the Web of Science (access to or registration at Web of Science needed).

Space- and Astrophysical Plasmas

Vorname Nachname, Titel XYZ, Journal ABC, 00, 1234 (20xx).

Vorname Nachname, Titel XYZ, Journal ABC, 00, 1234 (20xx).

Vorname Nachname, Titel XYZ, Journal ABC, 00, 1234 (20xx).

Numerical Methods and Techniques

Vorname Nachname, Titel XYZ, Journal ABC, 00, 1234 (20xx).

Vorname Nachname, Titel XYZ, Journal ABC, 00, 1234 (20xx).

Vorname Nachname, Titel XYZ, Journal ABC, 00, 1234 (20xx).