Computational Plasma Physics Group

Prof. Dr. Maria Elena Innocenti

Prof. Dr. Maria Elena Innocenti

Head of Group

NB 7/156 Tel.: +49 234 32 23757

Group Members

Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim AfifyHumboldt FellowNB 7/136Mahmoud.Ibrahim@rub.deIon-scale instabilities in the Solar wind
Emanuel JeßMaster StudentNB 7/132Emanuel.Jess@rub.deMachine learning methods for equation discovery
Sophia KöhneMaster StudentNB 7/134Sophia.Koehne@rub.deMachine learning methods for hierarchy closure models
Dr. Simon LautenbachPostDoc ResearcherNB 7/130 Simon.Lautenbach@rub.deMulti-physics plasma simulations
Dr. Alfredo MiceraPostDoc ResearcherNB 7/136Alfredo.Micera@rub.deHeat flux regulation by kinetic microinstabilities in the Solar wind
Stuart O'NeillPhD StudentNB 7/136Stuart.ONeill@rub.deIon-scale instabilities in the terrestrial magnetosheath
Dr. Kevin SchoefflerPostDoc ResearcherNB 7/134Kevin.Schoeffler@rub.deMagnetic reconnection in space and astrophysical plasmas
Jurek VölpMaster StudentNB 7/130 Jurek.Voelp@rub.deKinetic instabilities in the mildly collisional Solar wind
Dr. Harikrishnan AravindakshanPostDoc ResearcherNB 7/135